Tuesday, January 18, 2005

TiVo's Show Isn't Ending Yet

TiVo still has a few tricks up it's sleeve.

They might be losing a dominant position with DirecTV, but this deal with Microsoft is a MAJOR accomplishment if they can execute the play. The key is being able to get the content from your set top box into your portable, wether it's a laptop, handheld, or media console. The cable companies may be rolling out DVR's, but the content is locked down in the box.

TiVo is taking it on the road.

The DirecTV deal isn't necessarily a done deal either. Imagine new DirecTV customers being presented a choice between a Digital Video Recorder from a company that invented the device, and a DVR from some new company that the foreign guy who owns the network just happens to own. The player from Murdoch's other outfit better be 10x cheaper or 10x better, or it won't be replacing the incumbent.


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